Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How Do You Stay Human In An Increasingly Digital World??

I check my FB, Twitter, Gmail and more- incessantly.
I also watch the stars, find the moon, sit with trees, birds, the sky and actively seek out live flesh and blood to talk and be with.
The iphone will always be there, but I'm alert to overload connection. And I work to balance the connect with touching, feeling, being.
As long as the virtual connection spreads the idea, the information between us all, the body still needs light, air and to do, to make tangible action (yes and sometimes deep inaction) to serve and make a meaningful difference in this world.

Do you struggle? How do you balance it all?


a said...

I think finding balance is the most difficult and one of the most important tasks in life. To be honest, I don't and can't balance it. I find that when I need to, I just let my email go. I let my Twitter go, I let my messages go. Most of the time, I check everything and pride myself on getting back quickly.

But the Blackberry lets me check all of these wonderful social apps while I have a few minutes of downtime in the line at the post office, or waiting at the bus stop.

And what I've realized, while staring at my phone and texting everyone back, is that I'm missing what is going on now. These little moments, so ready to be used for efficiency and productivity, are often opportunities to connect with someone new, to look at the world around you, to breathe, to process your thoughts, to watch your thoughts go by.

So to answer your question, I don't balance, I let go.

paul macfarlane said...

good to hear.
now off social media and back to composing a business plan.

be well.