Inspired by my friend John Grant's new book, I had a thought.
What do you think of this?
Each of us can only change ourselves, one person can surely inspire others, but only large groups united in a common aim seem be able to make massive changes in communities, nations and more.
What is the nature of a positive herd instinct?
What makes us want to join something positive and deeper than a gadget or fashion item?
What is there about joining a tangible face-to-face group versus a virtual online community?
How many people does it take to make a deep impact on sustainability, diet, transportation or media and political movements? What moves them-the idea or a related social/fashion buzz?
What are the new ideas that will spark change and organization on a large scale? Famine? Economic collapse? A song? A natural disaster? A politician?
You? Me?
Really, what do you think?
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