Monday, March 30, 2009

This blog's google newsfeed makes its own sauce!

PG going greener and greener?

If one forgets all that P&G has done for decades, this is wonderful and most appreciated.

May I help?

P&G (NYSE:PG) first outlined its sustainability goals in 2007. The newly revised goals include:

• Develop and market at least $50 billion in innovative and sustainable products, up from a goal of $20 billion.

• Reduce carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption, water usage and disposed waste by 20 percent, leading to a 50 percent reduction over the last 10 years.

• Increase use of rail transportation from 10 percent now to 30 percent by 2015.

• Increase the number of children benefiting from P&G's Safe Drinking Water Program to 300 million, up from the original goal of 250 million.

“P&G’s commitment to sustainability is strategic. It is how our company conducts business,”

said CEO A.G. Lafley in a news release. “By increasing sustainability

goals, we demonstrate our ongoing commitment to innovate continuously to improve results.”

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